Welcome to Chicken Run Photography CD. Hi-res Photos with indexed Captions will be available to be viewed and downloaded to your computer from this program. To begin: (Mac -Users) insert the CD, double-click on Chicken Run icon. (Windows-Users) insert the CD, the program will launch automatically Viewing and Download images Launch the Press Kit Photography CD. You will be taken to the Thumbnail Preview Menu. To view a full size image with caption, select the desired image by clicking on its thumbnail. From the full image view you may select it for download by clicking ADD TO DOWNLOAD. Downloading: Press EXIT. - You will be taken to the download section. (Selections made from the Full View Section will be highlighted.) You may select additional images to download by clicking its thumbnail. When you have completed all of your selections, click on DOWNLOAD IMAGES. The Images and Captions will be copied to your desktop. You may also copy files directly from the Disc. Hi-res photos, in .tif format are located in the "Images" folder and Captions in the "Captions" folder on the CD. For more information please contact: International Contact - Nick Bull United International Pictures UIP House 45 Beadon Road London W6 OEG England Tel: +44-20-8563-4178 Fax: +44-20-8741-9602 Email: nick_bull@uip.com Doug Finberg DreamWorks International Marketing (Los Angeles) 10 Universal City Plaza Suite #3550 Universal City, CA 91608 Tel: 818-733-7802 Fax: 818-733-7854 Email: dfinberg@dreamworks.com Domestic Contact - Boyd Peterson DreamWorks Domestic Publicity 10 Universal City Plaza Suite #3428 Universal City, CA 91608 Tel: 818-733-9995 Fax: 818-733-7522 Email: bpeterson@dreamworks.com TM & © 2000 DreamWorks L.L.C., Aardman Chicken Run Limited and Pathé Image. All rights reserved. Permission granted for reproduction in newspapers and periodicals only. Use of this photography in any manner including but not limited to publication in books, retrospectives, biographies, or in connection with the advertising of posters or any other product or service, permitted only with written permission of the copyright proprietor. ©2000® DreamWorks LLC. All rights reserved. Permission granted for reproduction in newspapers and periodicals only. Use of this photography in any manner including but not limited to publication in books, retrospective, biographies, or in connection with the advertising of posters or any other product or service, permitted only with written permission of the copyright proprietor. ©2000 ªDreamWorks LLC. All rights reserved. Permission granted for reproduction in newspapers and periodicals only. Use of this photography in any manner including but not limited to publication in books, retrospective, biographies, or in connection with the advertising of posters or any other product or service, permitted only with written permission of the copyright proprietor.